Performances > The Lost Runway London 2010

The Lost Runway

Image by Manuel Vason
The Lost Runway

Image by Manuel Vason

Performer: Hannah Ashdown

Patricia Johnson

Remembered for her sparkling personality even during hard times
last seen in Vancouver 2000.

Created by Hannah Ashdown & Clare Payne, BA in Fashio,n Kingston University London.

Materials used are led lights, artificial roses made from polyester fabric and gelatin, a simulacrum. Bandages for bandaged feet. Organza with pills, tablets and capsules made from analgesic paracetamol/acetaminophen to reduce pain and inflamation, shown to have beneficial synergistic effects by combatting pain at multiple sites of action. Cotton calico toiles to reproduce and copy patterns to disseminate her story.

``She was really bubbly and an absolute delight to be around''

``She had this stunning aura about her that was noticeable.``I remember her as being a person who would light up the room when she entered it''

"I always say she was like a butterfly, she was very beautiful and very fragile at the same time.''

Johnson, who preferred English class and liked to write poetry, dropped out of school in Grade 9 at age 16 because she had to support herself, according to the relative.
Soon after, she became pregnant when she was 17.
She has a son and daughter whose names she had tattooed in a rose on her back."
``She'd brighten up and be like a 100-watt bulb whenever she mentioned her children.''

``She had something a lot of people down there don't. She had a lot of energy.''
``She kind of looks like a little ray of sunshine is following her.''